If you have suggestions or improvements you would like to see then please post here. Working together we can improve vPOP PRO, your feedback is important to us.
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If you have suggestions or improvements you would like to see then please post here. Working together we can improve vPOP PRO, your feedback is important to us.
You can help us improve vPOP PRO by taking our customer survey: Custom Survey
We need the measurements of the straight line to be out, almost equal to the radiant, and we can drag it out of the field of view, the measurements become invisible depending on the zoom or number of straight lines
Thank you for your suggestion Dr Marsolla, I understand how this could be helpful, especially when multiple lines are involved in more complex planning. We will certainly look at when this might be able to be incorporated with our existing roadmap and commitments. Sincerely and with kindest regards. Thank you for your subscription